Sunday, September 28, 2014

Not so Social Media

For most teens in this generation, Social Media is life.  I can honestly say I can completely relate.  I spend my days refreshing Twitter and Instagram during school and at home.  Facebook has died down in the past few years, probably because all our parents have joined.  Twitter and Instagram are nice because you can really post what you want and see what your friends and the people you know are doing.  With Social Media sites, there’s a lot to learn.  On places like Instagram where you just post pictures and videos, captions have to be kind of clever with a few emoji’s or hashtags.  You don’t want to just caption your picture with something like “Hi” on a picture of yourself of whatever.  On twitter, not many people want to know what kind of oatmeal you’re eating right now.  You may be a fan of “subtweeting” or tweeting about someone without tagging them, but really, everyone knows.  You may really like to retweet a lot of sporty stuff.  You also may just have one to see what everyone else tweets or you were pressured into getting one. 
Social Media isn’t so social though.  Sure, you’re keeping up with your friends online, but when you’re all at a party and everyone’s just sitting on their phones, it’s not being social.  I definitely do that.  Some people can get really offended because of social media.  People tend to post picture when they’re hanging out with their friends or at a party and if you’re not invited, it can really hurt to see a bunch of pictures without you.  It can really negatively impact people and then people get really dramatic.

Social Media also happens to be a HUGE distraction. It’s hard when you’re supposed to be studying or doing homework and your phone is right next to you just waiting to be unlocked and refresh your newsfeed.  It makes procrastination SO much easier. Why does it take up so much of our lives?  Who knows really?  It’s just a big part of our everyday lives.

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