Sunday, December 7, 2014

Feminism vs Meninism..?

            When you hear the term “feminism”, what pops up in your mind?  Do you think of self-righteous women?  Do you think of equality?  According to, it’s the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men.  There is a lot more to think about other than “making women equal” as some would put it.
            I personally have seen a lot of tweets that are advocating “meninism”.  For one thing, that is not a word.  Another thing is that the standards for “meninism” and “feminism” seem to be completely different.  For almost all of time, females have been inferior to men in more ways than one.  They’re the people you look for to complete household chores, take care of the children, and please those of the opposite sex.  For a long time, they “didn’t deserve” to vote because they had little to no knowledge of the world and they couldn’t obtain jobs because that was for men and women had jobs of their own at home, where they belonged.  Being in 2014, a lot has changed for women.  Women do have a stronger role today than they used to, but they aren’t completely equal to men.  There are some cases where women are paid less than men, even when they work the same job, put in the same amount of effort (more or less), and receive less.   

I have seen multiple twitter accounts named “meninism” in support of advocating social, political, and all other rights of men equal to those of women (I assume).  With the 144 characters you’re allowed to use through Twitter, the accounts point out women receiving better treatment than men, but also some of their tweets can be harsh and sexist.  I do see some of the points they’re trying to make, like when a man hits a woman, he’s to suffer, but with women, it may or may not go in that direction.  There are some tweets, however, that seem silly and just starting an unnecessary fire.  There was one I specifically saw that criticized women asking men to run and get them some ice cream and men being criticized for asking women to make them a sandwich.  In society, it’s really hard to change an image and create a different way of thinking that everyone can agree on.  Really, no matter what you say, someone will have something to point out and criticize, because everyone is different.

I am a feminist myself, but to a certain extent.  I think chivalry can be a way of expressing someone cares.  I also think women should be able to be independent and powerful.  Each person seems to see feminism in a different way and to a certain point.  I can see both views for the different sides, but I think some of what the “meninist” people were saying was ridiculous.  Emma Watsons speech about Feminism was really powerful and made a lot of good points, so you should check it out! (also linked in my previous post all about her)

What are your views on the matter? Do you favor a side or share views on both?

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