Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Bruce Jenner Interview

            *I want to note that I will be addressing Bruce as “she” or “her” in this post because that’s who she is.

I’m pretty sure I’ve written about Bruce Jenner before but I wanted to address the interview she had with Diane Sawyer.  This is a huge step for someone to speak out about something so personal and be in the situation she is in.  Being in the spotlight all your life is unimaginable and having to deal with everyone almost constantly watching you and judging you is something I never hope to experience.  At one point or another I think everyone wishes at least once to be famous and some don’t ever lose that feeling.  When you see things like this happening ,that is the deal breaker for me.
           In this interview with Diane Sawyer, Bruce speaks out about being a woman.  She talks of how her family reacted, with step child Kim Kardashian being the most open-minded.  All of her kids have been supportive through this time.  I think the world was really intrigued by the interview, because it’s not something everyone is exposed to and this is someone people have looked up to for a long time and she’s not the one changing, it’s the people who view her who are changing.   It’s hard for some people to understand I think because some really cruel critics may say it’s a publicity stunt, but I genuinely think this is who Bruce is and it’s something she’s been hiding for a long time. 
           Spectators will have their say, but nothing’s going to change what’s there, or I should say, who’s there.  There are going to be supporters and of course there will be haters, but I guarantee this won’t affect the lives of the 90% of the people who have an opinion, so why say anything unless you’re showing some support.

           It’s like Thumper (from Bambi) says: “If you can’t say something nice… don’t say nothing at all”. 

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